Sunday, 18 June 2017

Lain orang lain taste!

Assalamualaikum and Hi..

First of all nak wish selamat berpuasa dan selamat hari raya to all my friends and readers. acah ramai readers je kan hahah. By the way, now tengah semester break so I do have some times to spend on blogs. So.. Lets get started!

Well, bila in musim puasa and raya ni kan, so mood shopping baju raya and everything tengah kemuncak tambah lagi on last week of Ramadhan. Everyone berpusu-pusu pergi shopping kan. Masing2 beli ikut citarasa masing2. Ada yang gaya macam ni, ada yang gaya macam tu.

So cuma nak cakap, if orang tu taste dia different from your taste, jangan perkecilkan. Because what, different person have different taste. You punya taste pun tak sama dengan orang lain kan, and they doesn't complain about that. Stop anggap taste you is the best in everything. Try to respect others too. They all free to get what ever they want to.

I cakap ni bukan apa, I got complain from someone about my set of baju raya. I punya baju raya biasa je, simple.. but for me it just nice. Grey in color and have labuci sikit in light pink belacan something like that la. and I beli shawl yang sama color dengan labuci tu then someone said that "beria match kan dengan labuci, memang orang datang tenung tengok sama tak sama.."

whatttt!!!! oh God. I didn't get it. why? any wrong with that? Its my choice and I m free to choose what ever I want. Its not even yours pun. Why so busy body? Terpulang dekat I la nak beli apa color sekali pun. Its mine! I yang nak pakai. Bukan I beli untuk U pun.

Listen guys. Please respect others. jangan pertikai taste orang lain selagi tak melanggar tuntutan agama. Lain orang lain taste, sedangan cap jari pun Allah buat lain2, tak sama, apatah lagi citarasa, if taste semua orang sama dengan taste U, husband U pun semua orang suka. tapi tak macam tu kan, U sorang je nampak husband U special. Stop control others. U pun tak suka dicontrol kan.

So I hope everyone get the point that I tried to deliver to U guys. Try to take it in the positive way before promoting any conclusion. Jangan kecam I. So thats all for this time. Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa, jangan lupa bayar zakat and selamat hari raya aildilfitri maaf zahir dan batin. Assalamualaikum..

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